Sustainable technology thanks to intelligent solutions
Antewa stands for the highest efficiency, high performance, uncompromising quality and qualified service.
We develop individual systems and pioneering processes with air and other gases as well as gas-particle mixtures. We transform these into technical components and automatable solutions, produce them and integrate them seamlessly into your operating environment. We always have the whole picture in mind with the utmost in engineering and experience.
Our solutions are sustainable because they demonstrably achieve the highest material and energy efficiencies. The results are highly complex and particularly cost-effective systems that contribute to a sustainable future.
Any questions? Then don’t hesitate to contact us – we will advise you competently, independently and personally!
Gas-tight fans
The conveying or processing of hazardous, toxic or particularly valuable substances requires an extremely leak-tight ventilation system.
Hot gas fans
Some production or conveying processes take place at extremely high temperatures. For this reason, very special demands are made on the equipment construction and material selection in these areas.
ATEX fans
In many areas of industry, mixtures of air and flammable gases, vapours, mists or dusts are created during the development, production, further processing and/or storage of goods.